Cohort Capital

Chilham Castle, Kent

The 300-acre estate grounds contain a large Jacobean house and a medieval castle dating back to 1174 — one of the oldest dwellings in the country.

The property was purchased by a high-net-worth family, who are exploring a possible conversion of the castle and grounds for alternative uses and was completed in just 4 weeks.

Life Science Park, Sunbury

The former southwest London Grade II-listed Victorian pump house underwent a substantial conversion and restoration plan in 2022, now containing over 55,000 sq. ft of Grade A laboratory space.

The loan will contribute to the growth and expansion of the landlord’s portfolio of ESG-related companies and will be exited via a liquidity event through a separate business sale.

NoMad Hotel, Covent Garden

The Grade II-listed building was erected in the 18th century and between 2018 to 2020, underwent a full refurbishment program converting it from the former Bow Street Magistrates Court into a 91-bedroom luxury boutique hotel, restaurant, museum and bar.

The bespoke debt facility provided by Cohort has been used to refinance a syndicate of banks whose loan term was approaching expiry.